Why You Should Seek Medical Help If You Have Symptoms Of A UTI

Posted on: 11 October 2016

Does it always seem like health issues arise on the weekends when your regular doctor's office is closed? This tends to be a common problem for many people, yet there are times when situations arise that need immediate attention. An example of this is if you are having all the symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI). This type of infection is not likely to go away on its own and can be very painful and uncomfortable. [Read More]

Dealing With Kidney Stones? Two Tips Natural Remedies That May Be Able To Help

Posted on: 10 October 2016

Dealing with kidney stones is no laughing matter. The waves of pain that vary in intensity, combined with the discomfort that is felt when urinating, can almost become unbearable if not dealt with. While you should definitely go see a doctor if you're experiencing these symptoms, you may also be looking for a natural cure that you can do at home while you wait for your appointment. Use this information to learn more about two natural remedies for kidney stones that can help you get some relief. [Read More]

Your Guide to Facelifts and Rosacea

Posted on: 7 October 2016

Rosacea is a common skin condition, especially in men and women over the age of 30. You may start to notice a permanent flush in your cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. Along with the redness, you might also experience pimples and other bumps that lead to burning and soreness. If you experience rosacea along with regular signs of aging, you might find yourself looking toward getting a facelift. Of course, this presents its own set of problems. [Read More]

Why Some People Seem Immune To Head Lice

Posted on: 26 September 2016

Every parent dreads the school notice warning about a new round of head lice circulating through classrooms. This notice will strike fear into the hearts of the parents who battle these parasites regularly, but it is nothing more than a side note to those that have never personally experienced the head-crawling frustration of eliminating them from family and home. The question most people (especially the ones who repeatedly battle the beasts) want to know is why some get lice while others do not. [Read More]