Three Simple Tips To Help You Navigate The Complex World Of Transgender Healthcare

Posted on: 20 January 2023

Navigating the healthcare system can be a daunting task for anyone, but it can be particularly challenging for transgender individuals. The healthcare system is not always inclusive or understanding of the unique needs of the transgender community, and accessing appropriate and compassionate care can be difficult. This becomes even more apparent if you are new to this whole situation and find yourself feeling even more ostracised than you ever thought possible. [Read More]

4 Benefits Of Remote Patient Monitoring

Posted on: 19 December 2022

Remote patient monitoring involves gathering a patient's information and transmitting it to the healthcare provider without the patient having to visit a clinic. Patients use these monitoring systems to transmit their health records to their doctors. For example, through remote patient monitoring, patients can send their weight, blood pressure, heart rate, and glucose levels from their homes to their physicians. It allows the doctor to monitor the patient's vitals without face-to-face evaluations. [Read More]

5 Common Myths About IV Therapy

Posted on: 14 November 2022

Intravenous therapy is a medical treatment that delivers fluids and nutrients into your veins. Your body can absorb nutrients very quickly through IV therapy. The therapy can treat a wide range of conditions, from nausea to dehydration, and help you feel better. However, there are still a lot of different misunderstandings about it. Here are a few common myths about IV therapy that you should know about. Only Sick People Can Benefit from IV Therapy [Read More]

Should You Pursue Allergy Testing? Signs That You Should

Posted on: 4 October 2022

Allergy testing has become increasingly common in recent decades with advancements made that enhance the accessibility and accuracy of these tests. However, you may still find yourself wondering whether or not you should ask for an allergy test. Here's a look at some of the things you should understand about allergy testing and why you should consider it. You May Be Unaware Of Certain Allergies One of the most common outcomes of allergy testing is that patients discover allergies they never knew that they had. [Read More]