Your Guide to Facelifts and Rosacea
Posted on: 7 October 2016
Rosacea is a common skin condition, especially in men and women over the age of 30. You may start to notice a permanent flush in your cheeks, chin, forehead, and nose. Along with the redness, you might also experience pimples and other bumps that lead to burning and soreness. If you experience rosacea along with regular signs of aging, you might find yourself looking toward getting a facelift. Of course, this presents its own set of problems. This guide will help you decide whether you should consider having a facelift if you also have rosacea.
Causes of Rosacea
The causes of rosacea are still relatively unknown, even by experts. Still, there are ways you can prevent flare-ups, like by avoiding alcohol. Avoiding triggers can make the skin a bit more acceptable for a facelift. These triggers include sun, wind, warm water, and spicy meals.
Risks of Facelift for Patients with Rosacea
There is nothing to indicate that it would be especially dangerous for patients with rosacea to undergo a facelift procedure. This is because facelifts address issues of deep tissues. They do not necessarily have an effect on the skin. Patients with rosacea may experience more dryness or tightness than usual in the face, but this is a common side effect for patients. Additionally, it is possible that the stress of undergoing the procedure could cause the rosacea to flare up more than usual. After the stress is over, the flare-up should dissipate.
Of course, you can eliminate some of the side effects of rosacea by de-stressing as much as possible before the surgery. The surgery can be stressful to think about.
There is also the chance for telangiectasia to occur, which you have already heard described as broken capillaries or spider veins. This is especially common for people with delicate skin. This is common with a facelift or any sort of resurfacing treatment.
A Cure for Rosacea?
Some cosmetic surgeons may be able to provide you with some treatment for your rosacea. Some surgeons actually use Sciton JOULE laser treatment to ease redness. Sometimes, this can be fixed at the same time as your facelift is done.
It is essential to speak with your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon about your concerns. It is always smart to discuss rosacea before you get a facelift, as a facelift is still a surgery. Even elective cosmetic surgeries can be stressful and difficult on your body.
Visit sites such as to find professionals who do facelifts near you.