The Ideal Candidate For Hip Replacement Surgery

Posted on: 7 April 2023

For individuals who suffer from extensive or debilitating hip issues, replacement surgery offers a path toward a healthier and happier life. However, unfortunately, not every person who could benefit from this treatment option is an actual candidate. In order to ensure the benefits of this procedure are maximized, and the patient remains safe, there are certain criteria that must be met.

Healthy Weight

Your healthcare provider will want to ensure that you are in a healthy weight range. Carrying excess weight can lessen the success of the procedure because the weight can put pressure on the newly replaced joint and cause it to fail prematurely. If you are above your target weight, speak with a healthcare provider for assistance with meeting your target.

Heightened Pain and Discomfort

Hip replacement surgery is an extensive and invasive operation. As a result, it is typically only performed when the discomfort or other debilitating effects that the patient is experiencing are concerning. If you are asked several questions about the impact the condition has had on your life, try not to take it personally. Your provider is only trying to ensure this procedure is what you need. 

Noncorrective Injury

To qualify for this procedure, you typically must also be diagnosed with a noncorrective issue. A fracture or severe hip injury are just two of the conditions that usually qualify. Again, hip replacement is major surgery, so your provider will want to ensure that you have not been diagnosed with a condition that will likely get better before taking such an extreme step.

Healthy Bone 

The provider will also want to ensure your bones are healthy. For example, certain conditions, such as osteoporosis, can cause your bones to weaken. Strong bones are necessary because they will help support the newly installed joint. If your bones are brittle or break easily, the new joint could fail, and you could end up right where you left off. 

Alternative Methods

It is also important to note that a healthcare provider will likely never begin your treatment with a recommendation for hip replacement surgery. The goal generally involves relying on non-operative treatment options, such as physical therapy or cortisone shots. Only after these non-invasive methods have been exhausted and proven ineffective will you likely be able to move forward with surgery. 

For further details about whether or not you are a good candidate for hip replacement surgery, speak with an orthopedic healthcare provider such as South Shore Health.
