Bariatric Surgical Procedures For Weight Loss
Posted on: 2 September 2022
Diet and exercise cannot effectively provide every person with a trim physique and healthy body. Heredity and past lifestyle habits could have a bearing on how much weight a person gains over the course of their lifetime. An obese person may be a candidate for a bariatric surgical procedure.
The Purpose Of A Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is designed to alter a person's digestive system. A gastric sleeve or a bypass can aid in reducing the size of the stomach, the pancreas, and/or the small intestine. A surgical procedure will reroute where food goes and may limit the amount of food that a person is able to consume during each meal. The hormone that is responsible for triggering hunger may be altered with some surgical procedures.
A procedure may essentially cause less hunger, plus result in fewer nutrients being absorbed after consuming a meal. Upon receiving a referral to a surgeon, a patient may need to submit to blood tests and a urinalysis. They may have to undergo a complete physical exam. These preliminary stages will determine whether or not a patient will be likely to respond well to a surgical procedure.
A person's BMI (body mass index) plays a role in determining the level of obesity that an individual is suffering from. Chronic health problems or the threat of a health problem may increase the odds of someone being accepted as a bariatric patient.
The Precursory Steps
A patient must understand that bariatric surgery will not instantly result in rapid weight loss. A doctor who performs bariatric surgery will want a commitment from a patient. This commitment will involve following up with a specialist and participating in a diet and exercise program. A patient will need to count their calories, select foods that are easy to digest and follow an exercise regime.
A surgeon will describe what a typical day of eating will be like, once a surgical procedure has been completed. They will also outline recovery stages and essentials. Once the surgery is complete, a patient may need bed rest. They may also need some assistance around their home.
The incision that was made during surgery will be sore and will require time to heal. Having help with shopping and preparing healthy meals can be beneficial. Seeking an exercise mentor or companion can also be a great help to someone who undergoes a bariatric surgical procedure.
Talk to a doctor to learn more about bariatric weight loss surgery.