A Prescription Medication That Will Support Weight Loss
Posted on: 26 July 2021
Physical inactivity, a poor diet, a compulsion to overeat, and/or medical issues could result in an individual suffering from obesity. Medical practitioners may prescribe appetite suppressants or lipase inhibitors to combat a weight problem. Taking a prescription medication and adjusting one's lifestyle can aid with permanent weight loss.
Your Lifestyle
Your BMI (body mass index) is a calculation that is based upon your height and weight. Your medical provider may assess your BMI during an office visit to acquire an estimate of how much body fat you have. Being overweight may or may not result in your doctor prescribing a weight loss prescription.
Your doctor will examine your daily habits, including how often you exercise, whether physical activity includes low or high-impact exercises, and what type of diet you consume. If you have become lazy and avoid strenuous exercise, you may be advised to begin a physical activity regimen.
If your dieting habits are poor, you may be directed to change the types of foods that you eat. After monitoring your progress with these types of changes, your doctor can determine if your body is responding to the modifications or if further adjustments need to be made to your daily routine.
If you do not respond to a particular exercise plan or diet and you are at risk of heart disease, diabetes, or another medical issue that is a direct result of being obese, a medication that supports weight loss may be prescribed.
The Addition Of Medication
Your health history and habits may make either an appetite suppressant or a lipase inhibitor a better medication option for you. An appetite suppressant will help you feel fuller for longer and may help you maintain your willpower to not overeat throughout the day.
Taking a lipase inhibitor will decrease the gastrointestinal absorption of fats. This type of medication will not distinguish between fats but will reduce the total percentage of fat absorbed. Because some fat-soluble vitamins may not be absorbed due to taking an inhibitor, your doctor may prescribe a multi-vitamin.
Taking a multi-vitamin will ensure that your body receives the nutrients it needs. Side effects may occur when taking a prescription supplement or lipase inhibitor that is designed to help you lose weight. Your doctor will outline the daily lifestyle changes that they would like you to follow and will tell you how often to take a weight loss medication.
To learn more about prescription weight loss options, contact a local medical professional.