Ten Tips For Dealing With Anxiety
Posted on: 5 February 2015
If you are experiencing bouts of nervousness or anxiety, there are some ways that you can self-regulate and calm, without taking medications. You should report such incidents to your primary care physician to rule-out any medical conditions that could be causing the dysregulation.
Ten things you can do when feeling anxious include the following:
1. Do you smell something?
Carry a bottle of essential oil in your pocket or bag in a scent that will induce feelings of relaxation and calm. Try vanilla, lavender, and balsam for a quick and aromatic fix for anxiety.
2. Watch your caffeine.
If you typically consume caffeine, make sure that you are not over-imbibing and that it is not causing anxiety or high blood pressure. Be sure to stick to decaf beverages a few hours before bed, too.
3. Take time to breathe.
When you are feeling anxious, take a couple of deep, cleansing breaths. Focus on the air coming in and going out of your lungs. This can help to alleviate anxiety in many situations.
4. Do what you love.
Take some time off to engage in activities that you enjoy. Life's daily stressors can cause anxiety and getting a break with hobbies and recreation are a great way to combat this stress.
5. Balance your budget.
Often times, the underlying cause of anxiety is worries about money. Try to get a handle on your finances and create a budget to reduce your stress surrounding money.
6. Make time to exercise.
Exercise is a great way to combat anxiety and depression. Try to get outside for a brisk walk at least twenty minutes every day!
7. Adopt a sleep schedule.
If you aren't sleeping well, you might feel anxious. Start a sleep schedule, retiring and waking at the same time each day. Make your bedroom a tranquil and relaxing space to sleep.
8. Pat your pet.
Spending time with animals can reduce anxiety. Dogs and cats make great companions, and stress-reducers!
9. Talk to someone.
Don't bottle up your feelings and stress out about issues; talk to someone about it! While many people may be reluctant to discuss their personal feelings and anxieties with someone else, it can be very cathartic.
10. Take time to worry.
Set a time every day for worrying. That is, give yourself twenty minutes to a half-hour to dwell on the issues, problems, and worries that are keeping you anxious. When the time is up, push these thoughts from your mind until the next "worry session."
Try these tactics to relieve anxiety or nervous energy, but also go and see a doctor if the condition persists. Inexplicable anxiety could be a sign of an underlying medical issue that warrants evaluation by a licensed provider. Visit a clinic like Psychological Associates of PA for more information.