3 Things You Should Know If You Will Be Using A Midwife When Having Your First Baby

Posted on: 7 January 2015

Your first pregnancy can be frightening. Since each experience throughout the pregnancy is new, it can be difficult to determine when something is out of the ordinary. With more and more expectant mothers choosing to rely on the services of an experienced midwife, it is important to know what you can expect from these birthing professionals in order to recognize any problems.

Here are 3 things you should know if you will be using a midwife when having your first child.

1. Many midwives have expectant mothers use a water tub during labor.

If you aren't prepared for your midwife to ask you if you would like to have your child in a water tub, this request might sound a bit strange. The benefits of using warm water during the birthing process are well-documented. The warm water helps to reduce pain by eliminating involuntary muscle contractions and increasing the body's production of endorphins (a natural pain reliever).

If your midwife asks you to soak in a water tub during labor with your first child, this isn't something to be alarmed by. Just sit back and enjoy the increased relaxation and mobility a water tub can provide.

2. A midwife may suggest that you try placenta encapsulation.

While the thought of ingesting your placenta may sound like something out of a horror movie, modern technology has made it possible for you to reap the benefits of this act by popping a pill. Known as placenta encapsulation, your midwife can have the placenta prepped and placed into a capsule. This allows you to ingest the placenta in a more palatable form.

Some known benefits of placenta encapsulation include: reduced incidence of postpartum depression, increased milk production, and reduced post-labor bleeding. Don't be alarmed if your midwife talks to you about placenta encapsulation; this is a perfectly acceptable practice.

3. Many midwives use holistic healing techniques.

If you are opting to use a midwife to assist you with the birth of your first child, it is important that you be prepared for some holistic healing. This is especially true when it comes to vaginal tears. Rather than suturing the tear, as is customary with a doctor-assisted birth, your midwife may opt to rely on a more natural healing remedy instead.

Some midwives have had success using seaweed dressings to heal vaginal tears, so you shouldn't be too alarmed if your midwife doesn't give you stitches after your child is born.

A midwife-assisted birth is very different from the traditional doctor-assisted birth that most people are familiar with. Taking the time to learn about some of the practices that are common among midwives will help you feel better prepared to identify any problems that may arise during the birth of your first child. For more information, check out companies such as Women's Healthcare Associates LLC for help.
